How to Install WordPress On VPS Hosting?

Do you know how to install WordPress on VPS hosting? One of the biggest mistakes that people make with their website is not having a plan for hosting.

There are many different types of hosting available, and it can be very confusing to figure out which one will work best. This article will detail how you can install WordPress on VPS Hosting!

Installing WordPress on a VPS is much the same as installing it on any other hosting platform. You need to have SSH access to your server, and you will need root privileges in order to install WordPress.

If you are not able to do this and don’t even know how to install WordPress on VPS hosting, then I recommend that you contact your host for assistance in setting up an account with them before proceeding.

Here are the steps you need to take in order to install WordPress on VPS:-

In this blog post, we will discuss installing WordPress on VPS hosting. WordPress is one of the most popular and easy-to-use blogging platforms available today. It is also one of the easiest ways to create a professional website that looks good and doesn’t cost much money.

This article goes into detail about how to install WordPress on VPS hosting, as well as some other tips for new users who are just getting started with their first site!

If you need WordPress hosting services you can connect with JustWP.

How to Install WordPress on VPS Hosting – 10 Easy Steps

Step 1.

Create a user account

Step 2.

Download and unzip the latest version of WordPress, which can be downloaded from here. After unzipping it, create its subdirectory inside your users’ directory(you may use any name for the directory, but I recommend that you use wp for it).

Step 3.

Change the permissions of the wp directory to 775(rwx – r – x – r – x). You can do this by executing the “chmod -R 775 wp” command from SSH prompt.

Step 4.

Inside your user’s directory create a directory called Html. This will be the document root of your website and it is inside this directory that you will place all files related to your WordPress site.

Step 5.

Create a file named info.php inside the wp folder(remember to make its permissions 711), which will contain some information about our site for hackers, like this:-

Step 6.

Now, navigate to the Html directory using the “cd Html” command and create a file named index.php with the following contents:-

Step 7.

We now need to make a directory called uploads inside your wp folder(files uploaded via WordPress admin interface will be stored here by default), if it doesn’t already exist, and change its permissions to 777.

Step 8.

Now we need to create a configuration file for PHP in our Html directory called php.ini with the following contents:-


Step 9.

Save your php.ini file and upload it to the HTML directory, using the “cp php.ini Html” command.

Step 10.

Run the following commands one by one in SSH prompt :-

cd /home/username/html/
echo “” > index.php
echo “” >> index.php
echo “This is the default web page for this server.” >> index.php
chmod 777 uploads/ -R
Now your VPS hosting environment is ready for a WordPress installation.

Final Note –

I will recommend Waterloo VPS hosting if you are looking for hosting for your website. I hope I was able to show you how to install WordPress on VPS hosting successfully and without any problems! In case of any confusion or questions, feel free to get in touch below.

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