4 Design Patterns You Should Know for Web Development

Web design patterns are a quick way to make your website more efficient, and they can also help improve the user experience on websites.

This article will cover four website design patterns that will help you create better code for your web projects.

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1. Decorator Design Pattern

You can apply The decorator design pattern to functions to make them easier to reuse and test.

The decorator pattern allows you to wrap a function and add additional logic (like database calls) without modifying the function’s source code. Add the decorator code to the beginning or end of the function.

This pattern is also useful for unit testing, allowing you to mock out functions that you don’t want to run – for example, if you’re testing some code that uses a database, but that function is slow, mocking out the “real” database will speed up your tests.

2. Observer Design Pattern

The observer design pattern is useful for managing events that can occur at any time. When implementing this pattern, you’ll create a class to handle the event and manage which objects should be activated or updated when that event occurs.

Design system tools such as Adobe XD are useful for mobile applications, as it allows you to separate what needs to be updated automatically from what needs to be updated manually. For example, you may have a mobile application that allows users to rent cars.
One part of the application will allow users to log into the system and reserve a car. The other part of the application will allow users to reserve cars online – this is called an observer.

3. Facade Design Pattern

The facade design pattern can help you save time when creating code that needs to be reused. This pattern will abstract away a lot of the more tedious work involved in creating a function and lets you create an interface that is easy for other developers to understand.
For example, you might write a function using the facade design pattern to create a “user” object.

Then, as developers, you only need to understand the facade – how to interact with our user object. Behind the scenes, the facades can call the appropriate APIs to use MySql or MongoDB to persist data.

4. Singleton Design Pattern

You can apply the singleton design pattern to objects and functions to make them easier to use and integrate into other components.

The classic example is a database connection pool. When you want to create a new connection, you can use the singleton design pattern to return the existing connection object instead of creating a new one, saving you some overhead.

Singletons can also be useful if you’re creating a cache for commonly used results, like looking up popular products or building out a registry of variable names. Enroll in Full Stack Development Course if you want to learn more about web design patterns.


These are four common web design patterns that can help your codebase be more efficient, easier to test, and better at handling events. They’ll make sure your code makes it through the development lifecycle unscathed but will also help keep it running smoothly. However, if you want to make no mistake, consider a better web development service provider.

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