Top 8 Fascinating Digital Transformation Trends in Healthcare Industry to Watch in 2020

As the globe is converging into a single unit with the help of digital transformation, there are a plethora of changes witnessed in the digital transformation trends in the healthcare industry.

If you are thinking “What is digital transformation and how it affects healthcare?” A simple answer to this is that whenever there is an advancement in technology, there are new inventions made in the field of healthcare that pave the way to improved life and medical equipment.

Not only this, but when the government opts for the right digital transformation strategy, they will see that there is a great metamorphosis in the healthcare center.

In this article, we shall throw some light on the upcoming digital transformation trends in the healthcare industry in detail. So, let’s get started!

Top Digital Transformation Trends in Healthcare that you Do Not Want to Miss

Some of the New Digital healthcare trends are discussed below:

digital transformation trends in healthcare

1. Cloud Computing:

Cloud Computing is the process of keeping a digital track of patients’ personal records, test results, healthcare summaries, etc.

It is one of the biggest digital transformations in healthcare that will provide simple and easy access to medical reports without having an agonizing wait time for the test results.

The primary reason for having cloud computing as an ultimate digital transformation trend in the healthcare industry is to comply with the rules and regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act and offer advanced treatment options and data security to the patients as well as the medical professionals.

2. Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence is present all around us. It has enhanced the life of patients by providing accurate results along with saving their medical costs.

AI-based diagnostic devices have improved the speed of diagnosis and are helpful in spotting chronic diseases at an early age.

Artificial Intelligence has been the most successful digital healthcare technology that saves the time and effort of medical professionals and facilitates innovative treatment solutions to find the cure to patients’ diseases.

Even though chatbots use AI-based messaging systems to handle the queries and grievances of the patients.

3. IoMT:

Internet of Medical Things is a revolutionary concept witnessed as the fastest growing digital transformation trend in the healthcare industry.

IoMT has come up with a new approach of using a number of IoT devices in healthcare like ECG and EKG monitors in order to track the medical stats of the patients.

It has also introduced a wide range of wearable devices such as wristbands for measuring body temperature, blood pressure levels, sugar levels, calorie tack, exercise count-ups, etc.

According to research, there has been an advancement in the healthcare industry as 60% of its operations are adopted by IoMT and IoT systems which have brought an increase in customer satisfaction and profitability levels.

4. Telemedicine:

Tele means telephonic consultation and medicine means drug prescription. Thus, telemedicine is defined as an effective means of enjoying medical services through video or telephonic consultation with medical experts.

It is regarded as the most affordable digital transformation trend in the healthcare industry that reduces the time, effort, money, and other resources of both the patient and the doctors.

The medical professionals need not visit the patient personally and the patients can simply scan the diagnostic reports, medical symptoms, and prescription model over the video discussion. This digital transformation strategy is beneficial for those patients who cannot travel and people living in remote areas.

5. Big Data:

The evolution the transformation in the healthcare industry begins when big data was combined with health data to refine the dynamics of the medical services.

The most common example of the usage of big data in the healthcare system is BioMosaic, a big data program initiated by Centres for Disease Control and Prevention that can record and track epidemics through population migration, population strength, and health statistics.

Big Data Analytics not only provides a personalized experience to the patients but also helps in enhancing the functioning of scanning and diagnoses of the medical conditions of a patient. Moreover, there has been an upliftment in the big data industry offering profits of about $ 102 billion by the end of 2019.

6. Blockchain:

Blockchain is a kind of scientific-technological system that ensures the secure sharing of data and knowledge from one digital device to another.

This technology has benefited medical experts as they can identify and assess genetic vulnerabilities, regional trends, and ethnic predispositions to find the cure for the disease.

It is the most highlighting digital transformation trend in the healthcare industry that uses cloud computing and IoT in digital healthcare to perform research analysis of patients’ conditions and compare the impact of the combination of treatments in different situations.

7. Robotics:

Digital transformation is a complicated procedure that involves a series of interconnected functions and operations which are performed to bring a change in the health and medical facilities by the use of digital technological devices. With the advancement in science and technology, the time has come when we can experience life with robots in the mainstream industry.

Nowadays, Robots are performing surgical complex tasks. They provide guidance and assistance in maintaining the metabolism of the human body.

They can also monitor the health conditions of a patient and provide them with all the necessary medications, supplements, and diet plan to stabilize their health conditions.

8. Content Marketing:

Apart from all the technical digital programs, content marketing can also turn out to be a useful source for engaging a huge audience over the internet.

The health experts can provide the necessary information about any particular medical condition in the form of blogs, posts, or articles to make the patients aware of the complicated conditions.

Some Final Words

All these above-mentioned digital transformation trends in healthcare have helped in building a strong health foundation that is paving the way to faster development of the healthcare industry. The time is not far away when you will see a healthcare revolution cultivating in the world.

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