Effective Ways To Prepare For The Rbi Assistant Exam

In today’s world, Banking is a field that is high in demand and is the most sought-after profession by people. Banking jobs offer pretty good advantages and benefits like job stability, decent wages, a minimum rate on interest loans, medical benefits, pension benefits, and the list goes on.

RBI or the Reserve Bank of India is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance and is responsible for the regulation and supply of the Indian Banking system. RBI regularly conducts a written test for candidates aspiring for job positions with them. One such exam is the RBI Assistant exam which is conducted for the purpose of recruiting the best candidates for the position of assistants in their various branches. This is one of the most highly rated exams and candidates of any graduate discipline can attempt it.

Because of such an in-demand job position, banking-related positions are usually accompanied by fierce and tough competition. Confidence in clearing the exams is not enough to help candidates acquire this dream job of theirs’. Candidates have to go the extra mile if they are to get selected and enjoy the benefits the role offers them. The selection process is actually made quite simple with two stages. The first stage is where candidates have to attempt an All India Written Exam, which constitutes both the prelims and main exams. The second stage is basically a Language Proficiency Test. Candidates have to clear the exam with at least the minimum cut off which is decided by the RBI every year.

With the tough competition and challenging exams, candidates need proper preparation and good strategic methods if they are to come out with flying colors. The following list is exclusively made to help candidates by providing them with tips and methods on how to prepare for the RBI Assistant exams:

1. Have a clear idea of the syllabus and exam pattern:

The exam consists of an RBI Assistant Prelims and an RBI Assistant Mains exam which has to be cleared with the RBI prescribed cut-off marks. The prelims exam consists of a total of 100 questions each of 1 mark. Those candidates qualifying the Prelims appear for the Mains. The Mains exam has a total of 200 questions which are awarded 1 mark each. On qualifying the Mains, candidates have to appear for the Language Proficiency test which is the final stage that tests their proficiency in their local language. The sections for the exams include Logical Reasoning, Computer Awareness, General Knowledge, English Language, and Quantitative Aptitude.

2. Have an organized study plan and set daily goals:

Candidates need to make their own study plan. A study plan ensures that they are on track and that they cover all that they need to in the syllabus. While creating the study plan, candidates must ensure that they set goals that they have to reach and overcome. Setting goals is a good way to overcome weaknesses and defeat failures. Together with an organized study plan and a good set of goals, candidates can be assured that they are on the right track with their exam preparation.

3. Have a personalized note ready:

Note-making should be an unavoidable part of the candidates’ preparation journey because taking notes and noting them down provides them with material that they can use as a last-minute revision strategy. Other than the use for last-minute revisions, candidates themselves can have an idea of what topics they need to cover depending on their areas of improvement and important topics.

4. Attempt mock tests:

RBI Assistant prelims mock tests are a great way to test candidates’ current level of skill and understanding related to the topics they have covered. This is another way candidates can identify their weak areas, and thus focus their time on working on them for improvement.

5. Cultivate a reading habit:

Newspapers are a rich source of general knowledge as current affairs are an important part of the General Awareness section in the exam. English newspapers, magazines, and other materials should be regularly read such that the candidates can develop their language with the proper vocabulary and grammatical structure. Thus, reading habits enrich candidates with information as well as help in improving their language.

6. Have a proper time schedule:

While preparing for the exam, candidates need to use their time carefully and meticulously. Not having a proper time schedule for preparation can lead to time being wasted on irrelevant things. The correct amount of time dedicated to practice can help candidates improve their speed and accuracy in solving problems. The schedule should also be devised in such a way that the candidates would be able to cover all the topics necessary for the exam. A good way to do this would be to create a time schedule that follows a topic-wise format.

7. Have many rounds of revision:

No matter how much candidates learn and cover before their exams, if they do not go back and re-learn it, a lot of important concepts can be lost from their memories. Revision is done solely for the purpose of brushing up all the concepts covered and any additional information that would have been left out while covering those topics.

8. Take rest, have a proper sleep, and eat healthily:

Adequate amounts of rest by taking regular breaks are really important because breaks can help refresh the brain and provide more clarity. Candidates should never compromise with sleep because overworking does not yield any results. Both their bodies and their minds need rest and sleep guarantees the best resting method. And finally, candidates should make it a point to eat healthy so as to avoid falling sick during their exam preparation duration.

RBI Assistant exams are dream jobs for most candidates applying for them. These tips and methods are specially compiled to help such candidates achieve their dreams and aspirations. If applied and followed diligently, these methods can do wonders in helping the candidates in acing the exam like a piece of cake. Good luck!

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