How Do You Make an ASO Before the Release of an Application?

Do you know the expression “How you name the ship, so it sails?” You can hardly guess how much it’s about ASO (optimizing an application’s page in the store).

Generally speaking, it is important to think about more than just the name of the application before releasing it.

You have to do a thorough comparative analysis with your competitors, pick the right keys, work on the text elements, and don’t forget about the graphics.

It is important to use a modern aso tool.

Why do you need to ASO before release?

Do you know how many apps are buried at the bottom of the tables? We don’t know either. But look at these numbers. There are 1.96 million apps on the App Store right now. Google Play has 2.87 million. And how many apps on average do you use yourself? You know, right? The battle for user attention is fierce.

You need weapons, preparation, and strategy. The “We’ll just upload the app to the store, ask our friends to download it, and then it will take off on its own” plan might have worked in 2008. Turn the calendar upside down and don’t make the same mistakes. Now we’ll explain step by step how to become visible.

Where do you start to prepare for an app release?

It’s important to identify your competitors. But the first thing to do is start with yourself: characterize your app, what queries you can be searched for, and who your audience is.

Your competitors are chosen based on the commonality of your keywords. They will be many. Identify the main ones. Here relevance may not play a major role.

Let’s say you have music streaming.

Will Spotify be your main competitor? No, your competitors will be apps like you – with little traffic.

As you grow and increase your reach, the competitors will change. Don’t worry, you’ll get to Spotify too.

How do you make a text ASO before the release of the app?

As you’ve already figured out, users find your app based on keyword queries. About 65% of your users come from search. Your job is to find relevant keys and put them in the right text elements. It’s not hard. Follow the basic rules of text ASO.

Gather keywords based on their metrics: number of impressions and popularity. You don’t need the most popular queries at the beginning. You are unlikely to be able to climb high in search. Focus on the medium-frequency queries.

Place the words correctly. Different textual elements have different effects on the rankings. For example, the title has the greatest effect, while the developer’s name has the least. Different stores work for different elements. Focus on the graph.

How do you do graphical ASO and A/B tests before release?

Graphic ASO is just as important as text ASO. They work in conjunction. It’s like yin and yang – only in the mobile promotion. Text ASO helps make you visible so a user will find you. Graphic – it helps to interest and converts views into downloads. There are basic rules here, too.

You need to understand the value and strengths of your product to communicate them to your audience.

You need to keep track of your competitors and their updates. Study their graphics, think about how you can stand out from them, and communicate your benefits more accurately.

Determine the overall concept and design elements. Do not forget about the technical requirements. Here are the rules for the App Store, here for Google Play.

Before release, you can A/B test the graphics to select the most converting one. This is done through third-party services.

For example, SplitMetrics or Storemaven. The price of the services bite and the traffic for the test is paid separately. But the tools and data are very accurate.

It’s well worth it. If you’re interested in learning more about testing, start with these articles. Here is a basic description of the process, and here is a comparison of different types of tests.