Things to Consider When Designing Your Website

Now, if you own a business, owning a website is a prerequisite, especially if you are an e-commerce brand. But do you know what are the 6 things to consider when designing your website?

If you look at the statistics, Americans alone are anticipated to spend a staggering $638 billion in e-retail by the year 2020. The trends in the industry are changing. Hence, it’s a great investment to build your online platform to keep up with them.

However investing in a website is a big decision for any size of business as it is going to represent your brand. You can contact the best web design agency WPS Web for your business.

Do it correctly, and it can generate leads that will transform into conversions. But if you fall flat, you will end up wasting time, money, and effort. Furthermore, you may lose some customers if your online platform doesn’t meet their expectations and needs. Hence, it’s best to plan meticulously for how you’ll create your site.

Here are things you can consider when designing your website that meets your goals.

1. Knowing yourself

Only when you know your brand well, you will be able to create your website’s Home Page, About Us page, mission, and vision. Knowing why your business exists, where you want to be in a few years, having a well-defined personality, and knowing your core values are crucial things that will take you a long way.

Your brand identity will help you to build customer reliability, customer retention, and a competitive edge down the line.

Remember, your brand identity is the face of your business, and not having a comprehensive, well-defined brand identity will confuse your audience. Furthermore, strong branding will help distinguish your business from your competitors. You can look up websites like if you need help creating your branding and marketing strategies. It’s best to have a consistent and uniform look for all your website materials to strengthen your presence in your target market.

2. Spotting your target audience

“Who is the target audience?” You are designing your website for an audience, so you need to ask yourself that question. It would help if you also understood the demographic. Does your site offer products? Is it for getting new clients? Is it made to inform users? Thus, the goal and audience of the site play a major role. You can conduct research, find out who your audience is, and modify your products and services according to their preference.

For instance, if you are about to design a website for your clothing brand and sell it to the youth, you will want to get inspiration from pop culture.

3. Selecting the right domain name

When it comes to picking the domain name for your website, remember that it must precisely mirror your brand’s voice. Make it simple so that your audience will not misspell it. Finding the correct name for your brand is also about incorporating SEO.

Note that most of the domains permit you to use not more than 63 characters while coming up with the name. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get innovative.

If done correctly, it will lead to a higher chance of being positioned at the top in search engine results. A business that can be easily accessed online acquires more customers.

You can list a few options and check whether the domain is available or not. Furthermore, you should confirm if your desired name is similar to another established brand. Sharing a similar name with another company may not benefit your online presence in the long run as it may confuse your target audience. So, it’s best to pick a unique domain name.

4. Navigation

The best websites are those that are efficient and easy to navigate. In a study, 88% of online consumers reported that they would probably never return to a site again if they had a poor experience.

Try conducting an in-depth site review by putting yourself in the shoes of your visitors. Adding a site map can be very beneficial as it can make navigation easier. You can also put the most visited pages of your website on the home page so that users can easily browse them.

Also, streamline navigation by doing away with redundant or underperforming pages as it only slows down the site’s speed. It has been assessed that even delaying a second in loading your website may lead to a 7% loss in conversion.

5. Building trust

There are several ways to make your website more trustworthy. Being selective about the ad content that you display on your site, making your website easily accessible, or providing access to the correct address and social media sites are great ways to build customer trust. Moreover, you can display reviews and testimonials, show warranties and guarantees, and install an SSL Certificate along with embedded trust seals are all the best practices to develop customer trust.

With scammers on the rise, internet security is a must which SSL Certificate can provide. In fact, in a study, 57% of customers said they were unwilling to associate with a brand that had misused their data.

You can also add an inquiry tab for your users to leave feedback or questions. This can help make your target audience feel valued and, therefore, encourage them to trust your brand.

6. Call to Action

Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a compelling and personalized Call to Action (CTA). It has been estimated that personalized CTAs are able to turn 42% of extra visitors into leads as compared to impersonalized CTAs.

You can consider making your CTAs appear like buttons. In a study, it was noticed that CTAs help in increasing sales by 45%.

It has been found that 70% of small business B2B sites don’t use CTA. Your website can have an advantage by implementing it.


These are some of the most important things to consider when designing a website. Several users are of the opinion that website design is a crucial factor in shaping their opinion on the reliability of the business. So why not leverage it and build an effective website design to take your business to the next level?

Already 73% of companies are investing in design to stand out from the crowd. If you don’t already have a knock-out website design strategy, it is high time you have one.

And don’t forget to install an SSL Certificate once you build your website. Not only will it give your website credibility, but it will make your site rank higher in search engines.

Hope you like the article on 6 things to consider when designing your website.

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