Top 3 Over-the-Toilet Storage to Maximize Bathroom Space

Your bathroom might be one of the smallest spaces in your house. You are probably experiencing the consequences of your wrong decision. Having limited space in the bathroom may mean regular decluttering of hair and beauty products. You have to do it even if you don’t see the need to. Since you don”t have enough personal space, you may feel dissatisfied with your bathroom. You might think that it is already a hopeless case because you don’t have the budget to renovate. But bathroom renovation is just one of the many options you may take.

The more affordable choice is to invest in over-the-toilet storage. It will help you maximize the space you never thought is possible to utilize. The process is also relatively easier than renovating the whole space. Since the wall and toilet are already there, storage shelves are the only thing you need to buy.

Top 3 over-the-toilet storage

It is difficult to figure out where to start your search for the best toilet storage if you are still learning about it. There are numerous options to choose from in the market which can overwhelm you. You are probably about to check-out an item but you decided to think it through again. it might be because you are thinking that you might find a better product. Below is a list of the top over the toilet storage nowadays. They are one of the most sought after products that you may eventually fall in love with,

1. Yaheetech 3-Shelf Over-The-Toilet-Storage Rack

This storage has a minimalist design that is perfect for any kind of bathroom. You can choose from 2 colors, namely black and white. By purchasing it, you will have 3 layer storage space instantly where you can place your bathroom essentials. You can easily find decorations that can match it, like a small indoor plant. It is also durable as it can hold 5 to 7 kg of weight. Even though water can reach the storage rack, it will not get damaged because it is water-resistant.

2. Zenna Home Over-The-Toilet Bathroom Spacesaver

It weighs relatively lighter than other storage in the market which makes it easier to move from one place to another. Despite being lightweight, it still assures you high durability as seen from the materials used to manufacture it, namely wood and metal. Using it would mean a convenient way of organizing your hair, skin, and other beauty products.

3. Storage Cabinet with Adjustable Shelf

It is a toilet rack with two-door cabinets perfect to store your toiletries and towels. It will prevent it from any exposure to dust and dirt. The kind of paint used in this bathroom storage makes it easy to clean. It is very spacious that you can place all your things and still have extra space despite its small dimension.

Things to consider when buying over-the-toilet storage

Before you head to the nearest store to buy over-the-toilet storage, you must first consider a lot of factors. Take all the time you have to avoid making the same mistake as you did with your bathroom space. Below are the things you need to ponder to arrive at the most desirable product.

1. What should be the size dimension?

Since you have a small bathroom, you don’t want to end up buying a storage that can’t even fit inside. If this happens, you have to bring it back to the seller which is stressful and time-consuming. To avoid this, make sure that you measure the available space on the top of your toilet.

2. What materials should the storage have?

In terms of materials, the popular options that the majority of people consider are metal or wood. Storage made out of wood comes in a variety of colors. It can also provide a modern or contemporary vibe. The material has promising durability that can last for a long time. However, you must make sure that you take good care of it to prevent water damage. The metal is a good choice if you want to attain a level of elegance. The downside of this type of material is that it has less durability than wood.

3. What is your budget?

You must purchase storage that is within your budget to avoid unnecessary stress. Set a realistic price range and follow it when you are about to buy. Considering your budget will help you narrow down your options. In this way, you will not waste so much of your time when searching in a store.

In a Nutshell

A storage in your bathroom will give you the luxury to live a life with less clutter and more personal space. It must have a space-saving design so that it can serve its purpose. It should be spacious so that all your bathroom essentials can fit. Make sure that you can easily get this stuff in and out of the storage for convenience. You can now picture-out what you want so browse through the internet or visit a store to buy yourself one!

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